Good Shepherd School
Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi | Affiliation No : 831495


Patron Image Sr. Philo Jacob

“God is Love”. May the Spirit of Love always reign in the institute. Yes, our Congregation is built on love, that beautiful virtue without which all others lack luster.

“Remember, you are the instruments God has chosen to co-operate in this great work. It is given to you to cultivate the mustard seed which he plans to make into a great tree. Direct all your efforts to this. It is up to you to make it possible that those exhausted and lost in the ways of the world should find strength in the shade of this healing tree “St. “Mary Euphrasia”.

Yes indeed I am proud to say that Good Shepherd School has given best of education to thousands of children over the past years where all those who have passed from this great institution are able to live a dignified life in this society.

“School is the nursery of life”. What we learn in school remains for the rest of our life. The best days of life are the time spent in school with happiness and joy. We will never get people like our teachers, Principal, friends and mentors as we get in school. They prepare us; train us to face this world. School life is a very important preparatory stage for entering public life. School life is without doubt the best of years of our life. The collection of the fond memories of those gone by days brings a smile to our face. They continue to sweeten our mind and filling life with joy that last forever in one’s life. In the Education field, we are interconnected with one another. Children, Parents, staff, Management, Benefactors, well wishers and neighbourhood. Let all of us together form a chain of love and peace in our locality first then to the outer circle and thus we become co-creator of peace and harmony in the world.

We ever remain grateful to our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Good Shepherd for his continuous inspiration to carry out our Mission.