About Us

Let's sing out gladly as we march along
“Do well all you do”
Is our motto and our song
Our loving shepherd,
He is ever near,
With Him beside us,
we will have no fear.
Our future's shaped
by each effort today,
By all that we do and all we say.
Like Euphrasia being gentle
kind and merciful too,
Citizens of India,
women honest just and true.
Joyful our living,
Made glorious by giving,
Ever seeing beauty
In work, play and duty,
Life onward flowing
More abundant growing,
Fanning into flame
The gift of God in all.
Chorus Let's sing out gladly
as we march along
“Do well all you do”
Is our motto and our song
Our loving shepherd,
He is ever near,
With Him beside us,
we will have no fear.